I've got tonsillitis. Hooray! Coughing and sweat for all. I realise that's no excuse for neglecting my blogging duties over the past few days...or at least it wouldn't be for a man who didn't type with his tonsils.
Hell, I didn't really want to do this entry, but I came up with that awesome title and, even though this is more of a Cliffey story, I knew he wasn't going to update his blog. So I'm taking one for Team Tenuous Pun.
Cliffey, since returning from his European jaunt, has had the pleasure of spending rather a lot of one-on-one time with Marius. First everyone went to Green Man, then Sarah and I went to Scotland, and of course Pete's been looking at rocks in Neath for the best part of six weeks. Tom's been here, but he's got a girlfriend now (ew) so nobody's really seen much of him.*
Which, largely, has left young Cliffey mano-a-mano with our Albanian import. During their time together, he has learnt much about Marius; his personality, his culture, his likes (British history) and dislikes (gypsies, Arabs and gays). And, through it all, their bond has only gotten stronger.
Which, presumably, is how Cliffey ended up being Marius' own private taxi service. Oh, it started small - lifts to his friend's house in Llanedeyrn, or to his job in the bay - but the mileages crept up, and pretty soon he was taking him to Bridgend for whatever reason.
And yesterday, Cliffey got up at 5am to drive Mazza to Birmingham and back. It was something to do with his visa, something he could have done in Cardiff but would have had to wait a lot longer for if he had. And hey, since his close personal friend with a car Cliffey-boy had nothing better to do that he couldn't do another time, why not have an early morning road trip to the Midlands?
As it happens, Cliffey's just come in the room (he's very hungover - night out with work last night) so maybe he could reel off a few reasons why not:
Nope, he's too hungover. But suffice it to say that he didn't have fun. Suffice it also to say that I'm banking on the assumption that Marius does not read my blog.
As for my life, well, I'm working tonight. By which I mean Josh has a gig and he's asked me to play drum for him again. Also, I'm bringing the mandolin along this time.
Come back tomorrow to find out whether or not that was a good idea.
*If any parts of this paragraph are news to you because I've neglected to mention something previously, well, now you now.
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