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So, before we're down in it, I'll make sure you're all familiar with me and the strange people I will soon be holed up with.
Room One: Thom "Cliffey" Cliffe
Studying: Philosophy @ Cardiff University
Preferred Method of Transport: Xander, a car
Weapon of Choice: Golden Gun
Room Two: Joel Dear
Studying: Popular Music @ Atrium
PMT: A bicycle with no name
WoC: Telekinesis
Room Three: Peter Murphy
Studying: Earth Science @ Cardiff University
PMT: Angel Wings
WoC: Apocalypse 4000 and also some sweet eye beams
Room Four: Sophie Jones
Studying: N/A, was doing English @ Glamorgan but will instead be working full time at Boots.
PMT: Patsy, also a car
WoC: Imitation Super Soaker, £5.99 from Asda
Room Five: Gemma Ward
Studying: Journalism @ Atrium
PMT: Perhaps a motorbike of some description?
WoC: Kendo Pole
There's also a cavalcade of friends, lovers and hangers-on who will doubtless be around a lot, but I'm sure we'll come to them later.
So it begins tomorrow. Everyone in Cathays is battening down their hatches and counting their daughters.