Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Moving Eve

We're scheduled to move in at 11am tomorrow, just under 16 hours from time of writing. All of my clothes, crockery, cutlery, bedding, baritone, television, DVD player, Playstation One are in a pile, waiting to be taken to their new home. Excitement is running high. To illustrate this, here are some exclamation marks:

!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!

So, before we're down in it, I'll make sure you're all familiar with me and the strange people I will soon be holed up with.

Room One: Thom "Cliffey" Cliffe
Studying: Philosophy @ Cardiff University
Preferred Method of Transport: Xander, a car
Weapon of Choice: Golden Gun

Room Two: Joel Dear
Studying: Popular Music @ Atrium
PMT: A bicycle with no name
WoC: Telekinesis

Room Three: Peter Murphy
Studying: Earth Science @ Cardiff University
PMT: Angel Wings
WoC: Apocalypse 4000 and also some sweet eye beams

Room Four: Sophie Jones
Studying: N/A, was doing English @ Glamorgan but will instead be working full time at Boots.
PMT: Patsy, also a car
WoC: Imitation Super Soaker, £5.99 from Asda

Room Five: Gemma Ward 
Studying: Journalism @ Atrium
PMT: Perhaps a motorbike of some description?
WoC: Kendo Pole

There's also a cavalcade of friends, lovers and hangers-on who will doubtless be around a lot, but I'm sure we'll come to them later.

So it begins tomorrow. Everyone in Cathays is battening down their hatches and counting their daughters.


Monday, 30 August 2010

To Keep Outsiders Informed, or, The Pilot


I am, along with four friends, moving into a new house soon.

I decided a while ago that I would start a blog to keep outsiders informed of everything that goes on inside.

Some of it will be the unvarnished truth.

No doubt some of it will be pure fabrication.

It's up to you good people to divine which is which.

More to follow,