Tuesday 27 September 2011

A Variety of Societies

Improvisational Approaches, then. It did in fact involve a fair bit of jammin', and it was good to back in the company of the musical folk who made the Shrek gig such a cool thing way back when. Our assignment for the morning was to make up some grooves, and obviously I had lots of fun with that even if the baritone horn isn't a particularly 'groovy' instrument*.

Just after this session I was waiting for a bus home when I received a text from Cliffey. It was his Fresher's Fayre, and he was asking if I wanted to go with him and get a bunch of "free shit" (his words). I decided that yes, I would like some free shit. Sarah, who had work later but not yet, would be joining us, and so - still lumbered by my baritone - I headed on over to the Great Hall to meet them.

There were a great variety of societies on offer for Cardiff students but, unfortunately, I'm not one**. Cliffey, on the other hand, is one, so Sarah and I were left to look on in amusement as he signed up for:
  • The Poker Society! (if you beat their pro player then membership is free!)
  • The Northern Society! (Cliffey of course was born and raised in Cardiff but his dad's from Huddersfield so that sort of counts)
  • The Cookery Society! (they had free lemon cake)
  • And another one that I can't remember. Ask him yourselves.
Free shit duly acquired we headed to The Woodville for a sit down and some food. Sarah was ravenous, and ordered a bowl of chips that she could gruffle before work but sadly they never arrived.

Well, they did, but not until after Sarah had left for Next. She's got two weeks off soon which she's very excited about, but unfortunately this time off did not arrive soon enough for her to receive her chips.

Obviously I stepped up in her absence and gruffled them myself. They were delicious, although the taste was somewhat soured by my subsequent Trivial Pursuit defeat at the hands of one Sian Lewis.

I could probably have named the six murder weapons in Cluedo if anyone had asked me. But no-one did.


*Jen heard me practising the other and told me that I'm much better than I used to be. I guess that's basically a compliment, so thanks, Jen!

**That of course didn't stop me conning my way onto AltSoc's mailing list; I thought an alternative music society was an interesting prospect but it seems that they mostly just go to Metro's, which frankly is nothing new. I did appreciate their free sweets though, so thanks, AltSoc!

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