Wednesday 3 August 2011

A Warm Flat

Today was going to be a cleaning day, but that now looks likely to go down as one of the main failures of our time. Just had a go at cleaning the black ring of mould around the shower and, blimey, that stuff won't budge an inch. Used some rather strong bleach stuff that I borrowed from my mum, but nothing doing. Even chiselling it off with a knife was no good, so I guess we'll just have to live with it.

Last night was Herbie and Lukas's flatwarming party, and being the socialites we are we decided to show up fashionably (three hours) late. Meic was aboot the hoose, you see, and his plan was to pop to Jenna's at 9 and then give Sarah and I a buzz when they were ready to head off.

Which turned out to be around 9.30, so there we are. The new flat is lovely, a good place to come home to after work (I would imagine). I ruined everyone's evening by having the last Haribo and not drinking, but in spite of this most faces were smiling as we left. Mark, whose evening was probably even more ruined than most because I had forgotten the DVDs I had promised to return to him, went to Spar to buy some discount ice cream and, well, that was about it.

I notice Mr. Cliffe hasn't updated for the last few days.


1 comment:

  1. I didn't update yesterday because I was travelling. I am about to update. Arse.
    ALSO! Thanks for cleaning.
    ALSO! I saw a bearded YOU in a visa place between Turkey and Bulgaria.
    ALSO! I sent you guys a postcard too... i'm not being outdone by Pete.
