Tuesday 30 August 2011

A One Year Anniversary

My Dear friend Joel (see what I did there?) has asked me to celebrate his one year of blogging on here.
It's Cliffey by the way, of cliffemeister.livejournal.com fame (little plug there). I haven't blogged in a long time so I actually wouldn't bother, I tend to do it when I travel, and currently I'm not travelling.
I won't lie, I'm crazy hungover, and I'm probably not going to give a very good account of myself.
Joel has passed the Cutlery mantel on to me today, whilst he and his lovely girlfriend Sarah, as well as his parentals and brother, are visiting Sarah's native Scotland. I received a text this morning, and it was like the beginning of the end as it vibrated and the Mario Death ringtone reverberated around my aching head. You know you're too hungover when a cat stamps into the room.
So I shall fill your minds with some of the things we people have been up to since Joel and Saz left me lonely.
Whilst everyone else decided to leave me lonely by going to Reading, or going back to Neath (in the case of Pete and his friend Rich), me and Tom were the only residents of 6 Tewkesbury Place - or Chez Awesome as it has been known.
So what would you do when you've been abandoned by everyone? Go away yourself? Hibernate? Chill out? Nah, where's the fun in that? Me, Tom, Gaz and his girlfriend Rachel went out 3 nights running. Hence the cat-stamping-hangover.
Honestly? That's it. I apologise for my poor showing but I'm struggling.
Hope everyone has enjoyed the year of Joel's blog, I know I have.
Looking forward to the resumption of normal service.
Much love, Thom xx

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